John Ibbitson argues that the Trudeau administration's efforts to draw in international students have led to unforeseen consequences. This initiative is straining the postsecondary education system and eroding public support for immigration. Although many international students gain access to high-quality education, others end up in subpar private colleges that focus more on providing work permits than educational excellence. This situation has inadvertently diminished backing for immigration policies, as studies show a growing number of Canadians think immigration rates are too high. Notably, a recent survey revealed that many newcomers also believe Canada accepts too many immigrants, potentially weakening the Liberal party's popularity among these voters. Additionally, the costs associated with moving to Canada, such as the Startup Visa Canada cost, can also influence perspectives on immigration.
If you're interested in exploring related issues, you might find our previous article, "How Canada's Work Permit Expiry Crisis Blocks the Road to Permanent Residency," particularly enlightening. It provides a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by temporary residents in Canada, adding context to the current discussion on immigration policies.
If you're interested in exploring related issues, you might find our previous article, "How Canada's Work Permit Expiry Crisis Blocks the Road to Permanent Residency," particularly enlightening. It provides a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by temporary residents in Canada, adding context to the current discussion on immigration policies.